Friday, July 16, 2010

Facebook will never be in China

Facebook growth is slowing down at 500 million + friends suddenly it seems everyone you and I know is on Facebook. Where and how are they going to further grow the numbers ? Many experts predicts China and possibly India or Russia.

Maybe Russia but even then Russia have its own FB version already today.

China will never happen not because MySpace failed in China but simply because the Facebook Mark Z. attitude and character will never get pass the great China firewall. Take - "Facebook Refuses To Take Down Tributes To UK Murderer" as a good example.Facebook isunder fire in the UK today for its refusal to take down tributes to UK murderer Raoul Moat, the man who killed one and shot two others in a rampage across the North of England.

Sorry I have to stamp Facebook Failed in China unless the attitude changes.

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