Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Go where the Money is ...

"Go where the Money is ..." had always been a philosophy in my life. I won't argue or feel sad for what's lost or soon to be gone. But there were a time in my life I wasn't like this at all, I would hold on to my business and struggle really hard to save it from dying. Eventually no matter how hard you try to save it, you may still need to put up the RIP sign afterall.

Virtual Worlds is dying a slow death today, 3D worlds are the first to go as predicted by us. Can the kids world survive ? Or should we ask oursleves how many kids world can the market take ?

Key Questions during times like this in a company on what direction we should take should be - "You Go Where the Users are Heading OR Where they're already At". The answers today will be:

  • iPhones Apps
  • Flash Games / MMO
  • Social Games

Always head to where users are gathering, don't fight the wave but ride with it !

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